Our Board Members

Ken retired from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board in 2013. Ken oversaw the development of the agency and worked with local watershed councils throughout the state. Ken received a “Hammer” Award from the Clinton administration for his role in developing the Oregon Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. The program remains a model for linking incentives to ecological needs in a creative manner. Ken has a B.S. degree from Oregon State University and a M.S. degree from Colorado State University.

David Simmons is a 4th generation farmer in the Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed. He owns and operates Organic Enterprises of Oregon, an organic farming business. He is the Zone 2 Director for the Polk Soil and Water Conservation District, an elected voluntary position. He serves as water master for the Orchard Heights Water District. His father, Wayne Simmons was one of the founding members of the GGWC. David is a stakeholder for the agricultural interests in the watershed and he has served on the GGWC since 2002. He has served as past Chair and is the current Vice-Chair.

Linda Bierly is a founding Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed Council Director. She has served as Chair and currently serves as Secretary and Newsletter Editor. Linda also serves on the Board of the Salem Parks Foundation. She is intensely interested in watershed issues like habitat conservation and restoration, and is fully committed to working for watershed health.

Dorald Stoltz Is a founding member of the Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed Council, and served as Chair in the past. Dorald has used her back yard, home to a reach of Glenn Creek as a conservation project, planting native plants and conserving a healthy riparian corridor. She is a Master Watershed Steward through the OSU extension program. Other community service includes member of the board of the Willamette Heritage Center and immediate past president of the Salem Fiber Arts Guild. Dorald has many roles in GGWC, among them, using her journalism skills as our editor-in-chief.

Has served on the Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed Council since 2000 and is an expert in land use planning and represents the West Salem Neighborhood Association on the watershed council. E.M. regularly acts as an advocate and advisor to residents of the watershed and beyond needing help with land use issues.

Stacey Kline champions the Woodhaven Detention Basin and cares deeply about the environment. She is a school librarian and has one child, Max, a 13 year old who has grown up living above this wetland. Stacey and her husband Nelson, and Max have personally stewarded this wetland, working hard to remove invasive plants. She and Nelson are working on educational signage for the Detention Basin. She represents the Woodhaven Homeowners Association on the GGWC and is a passionate and articulate voice on the council for action to conserve and restore natural areas in the watershed.

Keith Bondaug-Winn has been a resident of West Salem for the past 10 years and has worked in the stormwater field for the past 15 years. He serves as chair of the Marion County Solid Waste Advisory Council and enjoys gardening, vermicomposting, and beekeeping. He looks forward to expanding membership of the council through outreach and education and an increased social media presence.

Deborah Topp staffed the Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed Council in the early days of the Council, then was the City of Salem representative for some time. She has recently returned to that position. Deborah directs the City of Salem Department of Public works’ Environmental Education and Outreach Program. Deborah has directed, helped and orchestrated the public education programs of the GGWC including presentations on Rain Gardens and Native plants. She serves the GGWC as the City of Salem representative and our environmental educator and has been a resident of West Salem for 15 years.